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Championing Youth Opportunity is Smart

PFFS-LogoUnited Way Partner for Student Success is a coalition of business, civic and educational leaders dedicated to supporting students from birth to career. We believe that when children succeed, our community thrives.

We know that we need to be data-informed,  community-wide partnerships focused on the birth to career continuum to support our youth through aligning community resources, creating awareness, and advocating for financial support.

Who We Are
Education before school

Kindergarten Readiness

Every Child is Ready for Kindergarten

Over half of the kids entering kindergarten in Central Minnesota aren’t meeting literacy standards. Imagine being behind before even starting school. That’s the stark reality for a lot of young people as they navigate the education system for the first time. It goes without saying, the students who aren’t meeting literacy standards as five and six-year-olds will have a hard time catching up and meeting traditional benchmarks along the way of their entire education.

Support Imagination Library

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Student success

Student Success

Every Student Succeeds in School

As students age, life becomes more complex. For a lot of students, school is a safe haven and place of comfort and routine. For a lot of other students, school is stressful, complicated, or meaningless. Tailoring the education experience to each unique perspective and helping everyone reach his or her own individualized success in school and outside the school day is what United Way Partner for Student Success is committed to. Acknowledging the barriers that exist and working in collaboration to reduce or remove them takes a village.

Community Learning Centers

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Next generation

Career and College Readiness

Every Student is Ready for Postsecondary Education or Career Training

Students eventually all become adults and independent members of society. Helping young people reach their goals to be a contributing citizen means a better, more prosperous community for all of us. As a coalition, United Way Partner for Student Success tackles increasing graduation rates, supporting career exploration, and tackling educational barriers head to help all students live into their inherent potential. Our community must work together to address the concerns around the needs for a skilled workforce and supporting the gaps between actual and potential output for the vibrancy of Central Minnesota.

Career Exploration

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kids received Imagination Library books.


Partner for Student Success is a committed and growing partnership of school districts, business, educational institutions, community agencies, funders and government. We serve the communities of the St. Cloud Area, Sartell-St. Stephen and Sauk Rapids-Rice School Districts.

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