Investing in Central Minnesota
When you invest in United Way of Central Minnesota, you also invest in community services dedicated to addressing our community’s most critical human service issues. As well as supporting partner programs, United Way of Central Minnesota has internal initiatives and services to help create long-lasting changes that prevent problems from happening in the first place. Our mission is to improve people’s lives by mobilizing the caring power of Central Minnesota.

United Way supports 211, a free and confidential service that helps people across North America find the local resources they need 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Imagination Library
Enrolled children receive a new, age-appropriate book sent to their home each month from birth until their fifth birthday. The program is offered to families at no cost and is entirely funded by donations from families, corporations, grants and fundraisers in Central Minnesota.
Our Funded Programs
United Way of Central Minnesota partners with local community partner agencies to support over 50 programs that work to achieve at least one of our focus areas to improve the health, education and financial stability, for every person in Central Minnesota.
We invest millions of dollars from individuals and organizations to improve lives and strengthen our community. These local community partners open their programs and budgets to intense review by our community investment process volunteers and United Way staff. We ensure community partners align efforts, progress is measured, work is facilitated and evaluated and everyone remains focused on the shared vision. Targeted program outcomes and results drive our funding decisions and are critical to understanding how your investment improves people’s lives.
2024-2025 United Way Investments
- Boys & Girls Club’s Smart (Skills Mastery and Resilience Training) Moves Prevention Programs - Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota
- Foster Grandparent Program - Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St. Cloud
- Child Response Initiative (CRI) - Central Minnesota Mental Health Center
- Senior LinkAge Line - Central MN Council on Aging
- Enhancing Older Adult Mental Health & Wellness - Greater St. Cloud AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP
- City of St. Cloud Witney Senior Center Community Health Worker Initiative - City of St. Cloud Whitney Senior Center
- Empowering Caregivers for Children’s Mental Wellness - Ellison Center
- Parent and Family Support Program - Fahan Organization
- Community Meals & Socialization - Helping Hands Outreach
- Black Male Mental Health - Promise Neighborhood
- The Incredible Years - Solutions Behavioral Healthcare Professionals, P.C.
- Kindergarten Mental Health Skills - St. Cloud Area School District 742
- CVT St. Cloud - The Center for Victims of Torture
- Behavioral Health for All - The Village Family Service Center
- Youth Mentoring - Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Minnesota
- Boys & Girls Club KIDSTOP and Club Scholarship Program - Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota
- Future Ready Pathways - Central Minnesota Community Empowerment Organization
- Mentoring & Life-Skills Development - Central Minnesota Youth for Christ
- Family Support - Child Care Choices, Inc. dba, Milestones
- Cats & Rats; Reading and Math - District 742 Local & Activities Foundation (LEAF)
- CareerONE - Friends of Career Solutions
- Youth Identity Development via Theatre Education - GREAT Theatre
- Preparing Youth for Tomorrow - Higher Works Collaborative
- The Improve Achievement Project (TAP) - Islamic Center of St. Cloud
- Kindergarten Transition Services - Reach-Up Inc.
- La Fuerza de los Padres; Greater St. Cloud Latino Parent-Child Class - ROCORI Early Childhood Department
- Reading Corps - ServeMinnesota
- The College and Career Collaboration - St. Cloud State University
- College Link - St. Cloud Area School District 742
- Summer Learning Program: Creating opportunities for youth in Central Minnesota to build and strengthen social connections - YES Network
Boys & Girls Club CareerSTART Workforce Development Program - Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota
Financial and Housing Counseling - Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St. Cloud
Child Care Liaison - Child Care Choices, Inc. dba Milestones
Immigrant Services - Friends of Career Solutions
PROFIT (Providing Real Opportunities for Financial Independence and Training) - Independent Lifestyles Inc.
Family & Housing Stability Through Legal Services - Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid
Heading Home Corps - ServeMinnesota
Building Stability Through Housing, Workforce & Asset Development Programs - Tri-County Action Program, Inc. (Tri-CAP)
- Shelter & Services - AnnaMarie’s Alliance
- Club Meal Program - Boys & Girls Club of Central Minnesota
- DOMUS - Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St. Cloud
- Emergency Financial Services - Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St. Cloud
- Emergency Services Food Shelf - Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St. Cloud
- Senior Dining/MOW - Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St. Cloud
- SHY (Services for Homeless Youth) - Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St. Cloud
- Home Delivered Meals - Centracare
- Advocacy - Central MN Sexual Assault Center
- Benton County Food Shelf - CROSS Center
- Crisis Nursery - Lutheran Social Services
- Emergency Shelter - Salvation Army
- Food Pantry - Salvation Army