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Volunteering Made Easy, Impact Made Forever

Thank you to our

VolunteerUNITED Sponsor:

Volunteering Made Easy

United Way of Central Minnesota helps bring our community hallmark-type events that engage volunteers with our greatest needs. These annual volunteer opportunities offer a nice framework for companies to go beyond Workplace Giving and connect their culture with immediate impact. It’s also a great way for families, service groups, churches, or anyone looking to benefit from getting involved locally to help drive change.


Check Out Volunteer Opportunities


Immigrant parents and children participating in the Latino Parent Project classes in Cold Spring are learning the importance of early childhood development, education and relationship building skills.

Leading, Learning, Lending

Our opportunities for individuals to serve on boards are a great way to call on people’s greatest strengths and natural interests while at the same time, benefiting some of our organization’s greatest needs. From event planning to capital fundraising to affinity group specialty programming, our committees are wide and diverse and always looking for support.

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people admitted to a psychiatric healthcare center in the state.